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General Rules


  1. General rules apply to all classes.

  2. All contestants must pay membership dues before pulling (At Selinsgrove). Contestants 16-18 musthave written consent from parent or guardian and prior approval from Snyder County Board of Directors.Minimum age for competition is 16 years old.

  3. All contestants must sign a waiver understanding that they are competing at their own risk, and that theywill not bring suit against any official, club, or property owner by signing the release form you agree to allrules set forth.

  4. All drivers must attend the drivers meeting before the start of the pull.

  5. Pulling vehicle may enter only once in each class, as long as it fits the rules.

  6. Only personal allowed on track, is track crew and puller with the assistance of a crew member.

  7. Contestant may not be allowed to pull if there is emotional or physical reasons. (drinking,illness, medication, etc.)

  8. Only driver will be allowed on vehicle when it is being towed or driven. No riders on tow tractors or trackequipment.

  9. All pulling vehicles must weigh-in prior to the start of contest. Weight will be taken with the operator, andice all together. The flagman will have the option to spot a re-weigh on any contestant. If a pulling vehicle isdriven to the staging area, it must stay there. If it goes back to the pits before pulling, it must be reweighedbefore staging. Taking 100 lbs. away if ice is not on scales, to account for the ice when put in at the stagingarea.

  10. If there is any disagreement concerning the weight of a pulling vehicle during a contest, it will be re-weighed immediately, along with the protestor.

  11. Driver must be in driver’s seat while engine is running AT ALL TIMES (Pits and Track)

  12. Pulling vehicle must be in the neutral or park position while hooking and unhooking. Driver isrecommended to raise hands while hooking or unhooking from sled.

  13. Any driver or crew member found under the influence of drugs or using intoxicating agents in the trackarea will be disqualified.

  14. Each puller is responsible for being lined up and ready to pull when class begins. Includes,helmet, fire suit on, and ready to pull

  15. The first puller in the class will have the option of test puller. The test puller may accept their distance, come immediately back, or last. Track official must be informed of decision before leaving the track.

  16. For mechanical reasons only a puller may drop to last position in the class. This is allowed by track judge’s discretion. Safety equipment does not qualify for a mechanical problem. If puller drops for mechanicalreasons only one attempt will be given. Thisincludes your designated pulling position, but have to drop because of mechanical reasons.

  17. Once track is ready and competition director signals competitor to the track, competitor will have four (4)minutes to make a measurable distance under green flag conditions.

  18. If sled is reset, first puller with the new sled setting is test puller and has the option to drop. If test pullergoes out of bounce, they still may drop.

  19. Puller receives two attempts to move the sled. If on first attempt, driver lifts off the throttle before 100’ thepuller will return to the start line and receive their second and final attempt. If no attempt is made to backoff the throttle, no second attempted is granted. (Driver not to slam on the brakes to stop before the 100-footmark or any time, but to come to a smooth, safe stop.)

  20. In case of a pulloff, each puller will only have one chance.

  21. Puller may spot the sled anywhere in bounds and behind starting line. This must be done while sled is coming back to the starting line from the previous pull. Only one sled spotting is allowed.

  22. All pulls will start with a tight chain. No jerking of sled is permitted. Excessive jerking of the sled will result indisqualification.

  23. Pulling vehicle who goes the farthest is declared winner of that class. Distance will be measuredfrom the center of the sled if manual measuring is required (Laser)

  24. Excessive loss of liquid will result in disqualification, if vehicle is under the green flag. Failure to stop willresult in disqualification. Excessive is defined as any steady or intermittent stream equal to a spot on thetrack of twelve (12) inches in diameter. Major mechanical breakage will not result in disqualification.

  25. Pulling will be considered over when forward motion stops or goes out of bounds. Puller must stop immediately when flagged or be disqualified. Flagman shall keep hole digging to a minimum.

  26. Any re-pull caused by contest malfunction, the puller may drop to the end of the class. Puller may notmove any weight or competitor will be disqualified.

  27. All pulling vehicles must pass a tech inspection and meet all safety requirements before they can pull at any event. Snyder County Directors have the right to inspect any vehicle at any time. Refusalwill result in disqualification.

  28. No competitor may compete in a class, once the class has started, if arriving late.

  29. Boundary line will be 330’ long to start the pull, even though a Full Pull may only be 300’. Competitor may not touch boundary lines at any time. The Full Pull line will be established by the Head Track Official no less than 300 feet and no later than the fifth competitor, after a sled reset. TheFull Pull line can be set in front of a vehicle even if vehicle has gone past 300 feet at either 310, 320 or amaximum of 330 feet. White disqualification line(s) will be 330 feet for entire contest. If Head Track Officialdetermines a floating finish is needed that will be decided by the fifth competitor as well.

  30. Snyder County Tech official may tech top 3 or any puller at random after any pull.

  31. Committee has the right to reject any entry/membership if it does not comply with association’s rules

  32. Judges decisions are final. There is no appeal process. Disagreement will result in disqualification.

  33. Snyder County Pulling Directors reserve the rights, to change, correct, delete or add any rules that might become necessary during any pulling season.




  1. All points pullers must display sponsor decals on pulling vehicle to receive points.




  1. Drive must remain seated at all times and have complete control.

  2. Out of bounds. Any part of the pulling vehicle touching the white line or over the white line will be ruledout of bounds.

  3. Loss of weights while still under the green flag.

  4. Loss of any safety equipment or equipment to pulling vehicle under green flag. Only exceptionwould be internal engine breakage.

    • Hitch breakage = DQ

      • Wheel/Tire breakage = DQ

      • Weights falling off = DQ

      • Catastrophic engine failure = Not DQ

  5. Pulling vehicle operated in safe manner at all times or will result in disqualification. ONLY 1 PERSON ALLOWED ON PULLING VEHICLE.

  6. Driver leaving the pulling vehicle while it is running. This includes even at the scales.

  7. Loss of excessive fluids, unless due to internal breakage

  8. Unsportsmanlike conduct (puller or crew member). Any physical or verbal.

    • First offense will result in last place points for that pulling vehicle for that pull.

    • Second offense will result in no points and no money for that day and will be banned from competitionfor a year and 1 day.

  9. Illegal equipment. If caught with illegal equipment a second time will result in a ban for 1 year and 1 day.

  10. Leaving the starting line under red flag.

  11. Excessive argument with a track official, or attacking an official.

  12. Intoxication or any use of drugs.

  13. Failure to comply with the rules will result in a disqualification. Rules will be enforced by

Snyder County Pulling Official’s.



  1. Helmets will be required for all classes (highly recommend full face shield helmets)

  2. All classes will be fire suit, jacket, pants, and boots, but recommend fire shoes (only classes that will not need them whole fire suit is Enhanced Farm and Wild Street, but fire jacket). Also recommendneck brace, head sock, and gloves.


Alcohol and drug

  1. Any person seen drinking alcohol or using drugs during the event before operating any pulling vehicle:

    • First offense: contestant will not compete that day. Vehicle can compete with a backup driver.

    • Second offense: contestant will not compete that day and loss all points for the season and will be banned for one year and 1 day. Vehicle can still compete with backup drive.




​The following is the Snyder County Pullers point’s structure.


1st – 50

2nd – 48

3rd – 46

4th – 44

5th – 42

6th – 40

7th – 38

8th – 36

9th – 34

10th – 32

11th – 30

12th – 28

13th – 26


  1. All remaining competitors will receive 25 points respectively, if a measurable distance has beenmade under green flag conditions. If competitor does not make a measurable distance competitor will receive 15 points. Pulling vehicle must be in attendance to receive any points.

  2. Disqualifications will receive last place points and money in their class.

  3. Eligibility for any points at any event depends on competitor paying entry fee and passing tech inspection. It is competitor’s responsibility to have a tech official inspect their vehicle.

  4. When a class has been officially presented, but must be called off because of any reason, the purseand the points will be split equally for all competitors based on the number of entries in the class​

  5. Points must be obtained by vehicle. If frame, body, and/ or design changes for mechanical reasons during season, or ownership changes during the off-season, must be approved by the Snyder CountyPullers.

  6. No rain out points is awarded if entries do not open.

  7. If at the end of the season points races result in a tie, the highest amount of first place finishes will determine an overall points winner. If a tie occurs, the next place position (2nd, 3rd, and so on) will becalculated until a winner is determined.

  8. Pulling vehicle must hook to sled under own power and make an attempt to be eligible for points.

  9. Rain Points is 15. Classes with a drop hook (Rain points/rain out pulls will not be a drop hook. Drophook will be an official hook, or a hook you missed that was not a rain out.)

  10. In the result of a tie: (Not wanting to pulloff)

  • Points will be spilt by the tied placing. Example = tie for 1st place, 50 points + 48 points/2 = 49points awarded to both contestants in the tie. Placing money will be divided the same way.



Rain Out/Cancellations

  1. Any class not completed for any reason will be considered a rain out.

  2. A session of pulling will be official if ½ of the advertised classes are completed

  3. Rain Points is 15.

  4. Promoter and Snyder County Pulling Official will determine if a class or session is a rain out.

  5. When an event is cancelled before one half of the SCTTPA classes are completed, competitors' registration money will be returned to the competitors.

  6. When a SCTTPA sanctioned class is cancelled during the class, the purse for that class will be divided equally among the registered pullers and 15 points will be given to the registered pullers.

  7. When an event is cancelled after one half or more of the SCTTPA sanctioned classes are completed, half of purse(s) for the remaining class(es) will be split evenly among the registered pullers.




  1. Any first time violation will result in a disqualification from that event.

  2. Second time violation for the same infraction will result in a 375 day long suspension.

  3. If there is more than one disqualification in a class, the last available money will be spilt equallyamong those disqualified

  4. Anyone suspended will not be allowed in the track or pit area for the duration of the suspension. If vehicle is sold. Vehicle will be allowed to pull, but suspended party must not be involved with vehiclein any way.



  1. All protests must be made in writing and submitted and signed within five (5) minutes of class beingprotested completion. Protest must clearly define three items: Who is protested, what they are protested for(limited to one item per protest), and by who is protesting.

  2. All protest fees will be in cash. A) If protested vehicle is found legal, then fee will be forfeited to person found legal. B) If vehicle is illegal, then vehicle is disqualified with a loss of purse & points and fee isreturned to protester.

  3. Fee for protest are as follows: Cubic inch - $1,200. Complete tear down. A 1% variance will be given forwear and tear. $200.00 from protest fee for teardown is paid to the (Official/Shop Fee) in charge of the teardown. Remainder of teardown fee is returned to protester or given to protested party pending outcome of teardown. 3A. Any protest at Midwest Region events involving an 10 engine tear down will occur at the PPL office within 24 hours of the protest. If vehicle is not delivered to office within time period, protest will be defined as a failure and suspension will follow.

  4. Fuel, Visual, Turbo, performance enhancements, etc. $500 5. Any competitor knowingly competing with a performance enhancing equipment verified by a Head Tech Official or refuses to tear enginedown at the event will be disqualified for a period of 375 days and including actions discovered by protests, at all Pro Pulling League events nationwide. Suspensions will include driver and vehicle.

  5. The officials and the protested are the only people allowed near the vehicle during protest.Anyone causing disruption during a protest will be disqualified.

  6. The Snyder County Tractor Pullers reserves the right to suspend a competitor for any rulesviolation and will receive written notice in five (5) working days.

  7. Judges decisions during the event are final.


Weights and scale

  1. Weight include driver and all safety equipment, along with ice for intercooler. Weights must be fastenedand secured.

  2. All pulling vehicles must weigh-in prior to the start of contest. Weight will be taken with the operate, and ice all together. The flagman will have the option to spot a re-weigh on any contestant. If a pulling vehicle isdriven to the staging area, it must stay there. If it goes back to the pits before pulling, it must be reweighedbefore staging.

  3. No weights in cab of trucks.




  1. All pulling vehicles must have working brakes.

  2. All 4x4 trucks will have complete working front and/or rear brakes.




  1. Tractor Drawbars: 20 inch hitch. Drawbars must be clamped down solid so that it cannot float up-wards or sideways.

  2. Truck Drawbars: see specific truck class for truck drawbar/hitch rules

  3. Hitch must be clear of interference and visible to hook and unhook sled chain.

  4. All hitches must be rigid in all directions, and height can not change before, during, or after pull.

  5. Hitch hole must be 3’’ wide and 3.75’’ front to back.

  6. No homemade hitches.



  1. All vehicles exhaust must discharge vertically.

  2. ​No rain caps permitted.


  1. All tractors must have a barrier between the driver and tire. Must be constructed so no part of the driver’s body can tire the tires.

  2. All vehicles must have a strong and rigid seat.


Fuels & Fluids

  1. Acceptable fuels are gasoline, diesel fuel, alcohol, and methanol. No Fuels in pressurizedcontainers. No oxygen carriers, or combustion accelerators permitted.

  2. No oxygen carriers or combustion accelerations allowed in water injection. Only water soluble oilpermitted in water injection.

  3. No nitrous oxide, nitro methane, or propylene oxide.

  4. Classes following PPL rule set, diesel fuel standards test are greater than 30 and less than 150



  1. All turbochargers mounted outside normal engine shielding will be shielded in .060” steel. All intercoolers mounted outside of normal engine shielding will be .060 aluminum.​ 

  2. All tractor turbocharged classes except Wild Street will follow PPL Turbo rules:

  3. Any single turbo (Larger than 3.0” in diameter) must have a minimum of 1/8” cable wrapped around turbo. Cable must wrap two revolutions around turbo, clamped by a minimum of two clamps at splice, or metal collars around intake with attaching 1/8” cables to exhaust housing, or Kevlar lined turbo blanket covering the intake housing. (Highly recommend Kevlar lined turbo blanket)

  4. All turbocharger alcohol engines shield sparkplugs with minimum of .125 steel or aluminum within twoinches any direction of centerline of sparkplug.

  5. Titanium turbocharger components prohibited.


Safety Switches

  1. All vehicles will be required to use a kill switch. (except for Wild Street)

  2. Kill switch will be securely mounted to the back of the vehicle and have a two (2) inch diameterring to attach the sled.

  3. A tie strap/zip tie will be used during tech to show vehicles have been teched. A 1/4” hole will be used tosecurely hold tie strap just above the kill switch. Only if tie strap is broken, decided by head track official, willcompetitor be given opportunity to pull again.

  4. Highly recommend white safety light is required to indicate that competition vehicle is in neutral during process of hooking or unhooking from sled. An additional reverse light, is highly recommended, amber in color will illuminate when vehicle is in reverse.

  5. Kill switches on diesel motors will have the following:

  • Air shut off must be operated from driver’ seat.

  • Air shut off will consist of cap or guillotine that closes off air into the engine. The cap or guillotine will be springloaded. Butterfly systems not permitted.


Stabilizer Bars

  1. Stabilizer bars should be rigid in all directions and must support the weight of the vehicle for theheaviest class it will compete in.

  2. Stabilizer pads must not be more than ten (10) inches off the ground.

  3. The stabilizer pad should be parallel to the ground and must be a minimum of five (5) inches square, with a minimum of 20” allowed from the outside of one pad to the other.

  4. Stabilizer bars may be in no way connected to drawbar assembly

  5. Stabilizer bars must have a brace that extends vertically twelve (10) inches from the rear most tip of the skidpads. Vertical race should extend rearward a minimum of two (2) inches from radius of rear tire.

  6. No cross bars between stabilizer bars behind the point of the drawbar hook.

  7. Stabilizer bars are required on all classes, except for 4x4 trucks.



  1. No loose ballast inside the vehicle will be permitted.

  2. No vehicle weighing more than class will be permitted.

  3. Any weight loss while hooked to the sled and under the green flag will result in disqualification. Any weight touching the ground, although may be attached to the pulling vehicle, the pull will be disqualified. Internalbreakage is an exception.

  4. Weights must not interfere with the kill switch, drawbar, or chain. An area of 5” wide and 12” high immediatelyabove the drawbar must be free of obstructions.


Vehicle General Rules

  1. All pulling vehicles are required to have a 2.5 lb fire extinguisher which are fully charged, and inreach of puller. (expect for Wild Street, but recommend)

  2. Seatbelts must be worn during competition

  3. All vehicles will have a safety switch. The safety switch will ground the ignition and the electric fuel pumpson spark ignition motors and shut off the air intake to diesel motors. (expect for wild street)

  4. No batteries are allowed inside cab of the vehicle unless they are in a marine battery box and secured to the vehicle frame. Shielding is required for battery posts that are exposed.

  5. All pulling vehicles will have a dead man throttle that will automatically return to the closed position.Throttles will work in a reverse to forward motion, reverse being closed.

  6. Highly recommend pulling vehicles must have a starter interrupter switch that will allow starter engagementonly in neutral or park position on a transmission gear selector for mechanical reasons during the season.

  7. All vehicles using a foot throttle must use a toe strap.

    1. All vehicles using an automatic transmission must have a positive gear lockout.

  8. No portion of the tractor or truck shall interfere with the sled or sled hitching device during a pull. Also no sharp edges, such as roll pans must we protected from cutting or injuring when hooking andunhooking.

  9. Drivers or crewpersons must be seated and in control of the pulling vehicle any time motor isstarted or running.

  10. High recommend all pulling vehicles should have a neutral safety light. A) A white light automotivequality, a minimum of 2 inches in diameter, must be mounted within 30 inches of hooking point. Andwithin 6 inches of center line. B) A light in the driver’s compartment must be operated off the samesystem. C) Both lights and the starter interrupter switch will be operated off of the shifter lever. D) Aneutral light should illuminate when vehicle is in the neutral position. Lens color should be clear.

  11. Snyder County Truck and Tractor Pullers reserves the right to refuse any competitor the right to attend or participate at any event.

  12. Snyder County Truck and Tractor Pullers associated pulls may set their own limitations, but must run Snyder County Truck and Tractor Pullers safety rules.


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President: Robert Hauck - 570-765-4233

Vice President: Robert Ortlip - 570-428-2841

Secretary: Haleigh Boop - 570-217-4715

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